
"Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free..."

Dress- Free People, Donna Hobo Bag- Alexander Wang, Solvang Clogs- Jeffrey Campbell, Rosary- Aldo, Rings- Free People, "Love" Ring- F21, Bracelets- Fallon and vintage

Joey and I were quite the rebels when taking these pictures- as we were driving down the road he saw that fence (only in Texas can you find a rural looking barb-wired field completely surrounded by enormous office buildings) and just stopped the car, put the emergency lights on, and hopped out. Anyway, this dress is kind of a departure for me- more feminine than I usually feel comfortable in, but way too pretty to turn down. Free People has been really knocking it out of the park recently- I worked for them for about 2.5 years and never saw anything as great as what they've been doing recently. Speaking of retail outlets, I have always talked a big game about boycotting American Apparel (due to their hiring practices and skeez of a CEO) but I might just have to eat my words because their cupcake and ballerina Halloween costumes are absolutely beautiful. Every year I end up just grabbing random crap out of my closet, rubbing glitter on my face, and going as a fairy/hippie, which is getting really boring. It would be fun to wear the AA ballerina costume with my old toe shoes (I used to be a dancer) and get beyond wasted- the variables for hilarity (or broken ankles) when I try to bust out some of my old ballet moves are basically endless. Ok, I have officially talked myself out of my (admittedly irresolute) AA boycott. And all for some silly skirt that I could just buy at a dance supply store. You win this time, Dov Charney. But I still think you're a perv. So there.


  1. oh girl i love this soo much!! <3 everything fits so well ! damn damn. specially that ring..


  2. great pictures :**

    if U want, follow me :D
    new photo will be sunday :**

  3. Damn beauitful beautiful beautiful!
    Your pictures are incredible!! loooove.
    Your ring "LOVE" where's it from??!
    :) Folloowwwinnggg...

    Hope you'll find mine just as interesting

  4. love your dress and you are gorgeous

  5. Wow, I love the outfit. Especially the dress.

  6. Loveeee the dress!!!
    Cute pictures


  7. No way i live in texas too. I so wish it was getting colder here i cant wait to get all my winter clothes out.

  8. Oh I just bust them out regardless of the weather...I've been in sweaters and coats for about two months now : )

  9. oooh love this outfit and the photos!!! :D Following you now :)
    (as for the alexa dress, the website said $168 so that's what I put ;) maybe yours was on sale?)

  10. Ahhhh that dress is gorgeous! And I love your accessorizing style!


  11. CF-
    No it wasn't on sale- $168 is right I'm sure, I thought it had been at the lower end for some reason.
    thanks for following : )

  12. Thanks sweetie! I'm following too! Can't wait to see what you're going to wear this week ;)


  13. Love that bag, especially in that specific colorway. And Free People has had good stuff lately, so has Urban Outfitters (website). You should check out this amazing velvet floral dress on Free People. I really want it, you would probably like it too.

  14. gorgeous! found you via the Free People blog just now and I love your styling. Do you have an email? I would love to contact you about a fashionable proposition...

  15. I designed this dress!!! You make me love it all over again!!!!

  16. Wellll that's about the most flattering thing I've ever heard...It's a beautiful dress- you are so, so talented : )

  17. That Alexander Wang bag is killer! You've got a great wardrobe. I tried to follow you but google is saying there is a problem and to try again later. And I will. :-)

    strawberry freckleface
